


Criminal Law

Property & Conveyancing

Wills & Estates

General Litigation

Motor Car Damage

Family Law

Drink Driving

AVO & Domestic Violence

Contracts & Agreements

Dispute Resolution

Powers of Attorney & Enduring Guardianships

We offer a broad range of legal services in most areas of law. In the event that your legal needs require expertise outside our own, we are able to refer you to an appropriate legal practitioner or specialist.


In particular we provide the following legal services

Our Services

General Litigation

We regularly appear in a variety of courts relating to disputes between parties. These include disputes related to the following:


  • Debt recovery
  • Recovery of monies stemming from motor vehicle accidents
  • Contract disputes
  • Claims for negligence
  • Civil claims
  • Estate claims
  • Property disputes
  • Family Provision Act claims

Criminal Law

We provide a wide range of services in respect of criminal law and appear in a variety of courts, from Local courts to the Supreme Court to protect your interests. Our experience covers matters involving the following:


  • Assault
  • Apprehended violence orders
  • Drug offences
  • Robbery
  • Fraud
  • Sexual offences
  • Appeals
  • Driving offences


The areas of employment and Industrial law have become very complex in recent years with many changes and layers of legislation potentially impacting upon your particular employment relationship. We have significant experience in the field and are up to date on the effect of those changes both from an employer and employee perspective.


We provide you with a wide range of employment related services including the following:


  • Drafting and reviewing of contracts of employment
  • Advice in respect of proposed contracts of employment
  • Occupational Health and Safety advice
  • Advice re applicability of awards and entitlements
  • Unfair dismissal claims
  • Unfair contracts claims
  • Workplace discrimination claims
  • Back wage claims
  • Occupational Health and Safety prosecutions


We provide you with sound and practical advice regarding your commercial needs and transactions. With significant experience and being attuned to the needs of businesses both large and small we work with you to help you achieve the best possible outcome whatever your situation.


In particular we provide the following commercial services:


  • Buying and selling commercial property
  • Conveyancing of commercial property
  • Commercial leasing
  • Retail leasing
  • Land and property development
  • Franchising
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Partnership agreements
  • Contracts and leases
  • Trade Practices and Fair Trading matters
  • Business Law
  • Trusts
  • Mortgages
  • Property disputes

Powers of Attorney and Enduring guardianships

Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardians enable you to appoint someone you trust to act on your behalf if and when you are unable to do so yourself.


This may occur due to illness, overseas travel or the lack of mental capacity. It allows for the person appointed to attend to your financial affairs on your behalf.


A Power of Attorney may be appointed for a specific time such as when you are travelling or be enduring in the event that you lose capacity to act such as may be caused by dementia.


An appointment of a guardian allows you to nominate a person you trust to make personal and lifestyle decisions such as where you should live or what forms of medical treatment should be undertaken.


Such appointments must be made whilst you are mentally and physically able. Successful appointments avoid the involvement of the Guardianship Tribunal and the appointment of government agencies to act on your behalf.

Wills & estates

Making a valid Will is an important and sometimes difficult task that is necessary to avoid leaving those you love with difficulties and possible disputes relating to your estate. Throughout life it is also necessary to update your Will to accommodate life changes such as upon marriage, divorce or the birth of a child. If you fail to leave a valid Will your estate will not be distributed in accordance with your wishes.


Furthermore disputes may arise as to the validity of another person’s Will. We provide you with practical and realistic advice in this often emotionally charged area of law.


In particular we provide the following services:


  • Drafting Wills and Codicils
  • Advice re the need to update wills
  • Advice to executors of estates
  • Administer estates
  • Draft testamentary trusts
  • Advice and act in relation to the challenging of a will
  • Make a claim under the Family Provision Act

Property and conveyancing

Whether you are buying, selling or leasing residential or commercial property we can accommodate your needs. Our particular areas of expertise include:


  • Buying residential and commercial property
  • Selling residential and commercial property
  • Commercial leases
  • Residential leases
  • Sale of business
  • Purchase of business
  • Mortgage securities
  • Land and property development
  • Easements, covenants and transfers
  • Subdivisions and resumptions